Light is Amazing! – Children’s Book

Light is Amazing! is a book for children and was inspired by Scott’s first publication Light, Dark, and the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which is an in depth look at how we interact with light and the electromagnetic Spectrum. This book, Light is Amazing! is for a much younger audience – I’m inspired to think that the more we know at a younger age, the more curious we become as adults.

About the Picture Book

light is amazing! Children's-Book-About-Light-Electromagnetic-Spectrum

Light truly is amazing. This picture children’s book, in a plain yet informative way, introduces children to learning about light and the electromagnetic spectrum, which is a common connection between a lot of our technology used today.

Colour, cooking, TV, radio, GPS, sunscreen, cameras and more all have light or the electromagnetic spectrum in common.

How many times have you used light today?

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Publishing Details

First Published: October 2022First Published: October 2022
Page Count: 40Page Count: 40
ISBN-13: 978-0-6456241-0-6ISBN-13: 978-0-6456241-1-3
Size: 21.6cm / 8.5in
Language: EnglishLanguage: English
Light is Amazing! Childrens Book About Light Electromagnetic Energy

Author Bio – Scott Gracie

About the author – Scott’s passion for light and the electromagnetic spectrum began in his early teens while tinkering with electronics as a hobby. After finishing secondary schooling at Randwick North High School in Sydney Australia, Scott was formally introduced to the lighting industry while studying Electrical and Electronics. Then in 1998 he started his career making custom light fittings and lamps in his dad’s garage. Formal lighting-design qualifications expanded his opportunity to help project-manage and design on many industry levels.

Over twenty years on, and Scott has worked on many infrastructure, commercial and architectural lighting projects. He is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia & New Zealand, the Colour Society of Australia, the International Dark Sky Association, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the Australian division of the International Commission on Illumination CIE.